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Școala „Mihai Viteazul” Craiova.jpg

Secondary School “Mihai Viteazul” is located in a working class neighbourhood built in order to cover the working force necessary for the industrial platform of the Est part of our town, Craiova. This school year there are 1009students organised in 37classrooms (21primary,16secondary) trained by 64teachers. There are 4 classes bilingually with 4 hours of English/French/week.The school has: 37classrooms-7designed according to Step-by-step curricula, 5 laboratories: biology, physics &chemistry, computer science, Romanian Language and Foreign Languages; specialized classrooms: 1room for teachers’ study, 1canteen, 10auxiliary administrative spaces,1doctor, 1dentist’s office,1psycho-pedagogical counseling office, 1multimedia office. All educational spaces have very good IT equipment: laptops,video projectors,audio systems,magnetic boards, intelligent boards, printer, Smart TV and Internet connection which has been obtained by participating in national competitions and projects: Kaufland-20.000euro,“Andrei’s country”-15.000 euro,Zero Waste School,”Nature in the city” where we organized thematic fair-5000 euro/3 months. We are European School and Cambridge Training and Testing Center.We did training regarding Safety on Internet for teachers and students(Use, useful, safe and  creative of the Internet), we involve students in coding activities:

50 students- "Be scrach! Be a programmer! ”, funded by TechSoup Association within the Meet and Code initiative! coordinated by Haus des Stiftens gGmbH and the


TechSoup Europe network in 22 European countries within Europe Code Week.


"CS4All-Ro - IT Club", 40 students are developing games in Microsoft Kodu


”iTech skills and Challange”


writing Code in Scrach, 20 students


60 progamming robots competition


We use in our lessons teaching apps: Kahoot, Mentimeter, Padlet, Quizzes, WordCloud and QR reader and more.

"Erasmus+ Programı kapsamında Avrupa Komisyonu tarafından desteklenmektedir. Ancak burada yer alan görüşlerden

Avrupa Komisyonu ve Türkiye Ulusal Ajansı sorumlu tutulamaz.”

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